Is an mixture of substances produced by "ceruminous" glands, inside the "auricullar" canal, to be protected from external agents (dust,insects,etc.). In fact, the nature anticipated the epidermics stratums of the ear to move towards exterior, from the half of ear drum membrane.During this motion, is mixing up with some special fats produced in glands, therefore makes the ear in a "wax" shape.When this "self cleaning" system is not working well, there can form "wax corks" and if this corks are not removed, they can bring out iritations, lower hearing, rashes, whistles in the head and momentary loss of balance.


From more than 300 surgerys research, results that many persons are trying to remove the "was cork" with "excess" cleaning, or "violent" methods, cleaning the hearing canal with chemical sprays, normal interventions or cotton sticks. This methods can be dangerous because the wax often goes deeper the hearing canal, closing it up for good and this is a risk which can lead to (ear drum) membrane lesions, thus opening a "street" of bacterium through inside the middle ear.This can lead to infections and tricklings.


In "Riza Psicosomatica" magazine published in 1992, appeared an article which reports the results of some tests, made on Hovan Cones by a group of doctors.The researches showed that this Cone can be efficient in some pathological ear conditions and mostly in two often cases.Filling up the ear canal (hole) with ear wax and pain at a ear sickness.        In the first case, there were 15 adults tested, who showed ears with excess of wax or wax corks, and accusing rushes and lower capacity in noise perception.After The Cone treatment all the patients were feeling better and at the "otoscopic" examination there could be observed the ear wax level decreased.        In the second case, there was tested 15 children school aged who were acusing pain during an ear sickness.They haven't used an treatment which lasts at least 6 hours. Most clidrens sayd that after 5 minutes when The Cone treatment was at the end, the pain was reduced. After two hours the pain didn't showed up again.With this experiments, the doctors discovered and proved the positive results of "Otovi" Cones, as a natural alternative of analgezics.


In Germany was made an TV broadcast named "L'ora in Ambulatorio".That was in June,1995 and it had as purpose the public information about this Cones.Mrs. Ulrike Lorbiezki sayd: "I use the ear cones for my children as an supplementary remedy against the strong cold, especially for Tasillo (5 years old) who has a partcular sensitivity and tendency for cold and consistent swell at lateral ear cavities.I always use the cones for both ears and only when the cold persists.Do this treatment before put the kids in bed, because they'll sleep more peaceful at night.This is a better way to treat cold with low medicine".        During the same TV transmittion Mr. Klaus Krieg states that she applies the cones on patients who are suffering of hedaches, migrenes and pains acussed by stress.

The using is authorised by The Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene.


1)Introduce the cone in the central cut of the protection disc about 5 cm., and with a lighter light up the superior part of the cone.

2)Put your head on a horizontal surface,introducing the cone deep inside the ear keeping it in a vertical position during the treatment.

3)When the flame has burned the cone untill the protection disc,stop the treatment and put the cone in a glass of water.

The period of treatment is about 4 minutes.

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